Procurement Notices

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Closing Date25.07.2013
Reference No.ITB 19/2013 Construction of Prespa Lake Docking Marine
TitleITB 19/2013 Construction of Prespa Lake Docking Marine
DescriptionUNDP would hereby like to invite construction companies to submit bids under ITB 19/2013 in MKD (VAT exempted) not later than 25 July 2013 by 12:00 am. Pre-tender meeting - 05 July 2013 at 11am Public opening -25 July 2013 at 12am

File NameModified On
ITB 19 Docking marine.docx 28.06.2013
BoQ Docking Marine.xls 28.06.2013
Section 11 Drawings final.rar 28.06.2013