Social Inclusion

Social Inclusion – empowering the most vulnerable people in society

Increasing social inclusion means empowering people to participate more equally in society—in education and employment, in the decision-making processes that affect their lives, in access to social services and social protection and all other resources of their local communities. UNDP supports national efforts to improve the social and economic conditions of individuals and groups at risk of exclusion, as well as providing knowledge and expertise to help policy-makers develop more inclusive policies and reforms.

UNDP has concentrated its greatest efforts in recent years on supporting the Government’s commitment to reducing unemployment as an essential step in increasing social inclusion.

Much of UNDP’s support for social inclusion in recent years has been focused on developing measures to promote self-employment, helping train the long-term unemployed and other vulnerable groups—such as members of the Roma community, women living in rural areas, and victims of domestic violence—to start up their own sustainable businesses.

Project TitleBrief OverviewFact SheetProject Document
Capacity Building for Aid Coordination More Details
Brief Overview Project Document
Employment Programme More Details
Brief Overview Project Document
Strengthening National Capacities to Prevent Domestic Violence More Details
Brief Overview Project Document

Taking on domestic violence – a media approach
» 15.05.2013
Eradicating domestic violence is possible only with the help of the media because the words the journalist send have the power to reach everybody’s homes.
Roundtable on Employment of Persons with Disabilities Sparks Lively Discussion
» 06.12.2012
"Let us hope, in the near future, that all persons with disabilities of working age would be able to earn a living from freely chosen work and to work in an environment that is both accessible and accepting”, UNDP's Alessandro Fracassetti said at the opening of a roundable on employment of persons with disabilities.
Sustainable Reforms - Towards EU 2020 Objectives
» 22.11.2012
22.11.2012: Skopje is hosting the Regional Conference "Sustainable Reforms- Towards EU 2020 Objectives". The main objective of the conference is to discuss the economic reforms in the Western Balkans and the preparedness of the region to meet the EU 2020 objectives.
Every Third Citizen Is Subject to Some Form of Domestic Violence, Finds New Survey
» 16.08.2012
The findings of a recent survey conducted by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy and the UN—the first baseline survey of its kind in this country—show that over 35% of men and almost 40% of women have been subjected to some form of domestic violence, predominantly psychological violence.
Coordinated and timely support to victims of domestic violence
» 03.05.2012
As of May 2012, all professionals dealing with domestic violence cases have a practical and user-friendly Guidebook for dealing with cases of domestic violence.