Disaster and Climate Risk Reduction
Project description This project aims at assessing the national and local institutions' capacities to deal with disaster and climate risks, by identifying gaps and making recommendations to be included into the national climate risk management strategies and programmes.
Objectives The overall objective of this project is to reduce disaster and climate risks in the country.
Results It is expected that thanks to this project, the national and local institutions’capacities to deal with disaster and climate risks will be strengthened.
A comprehensive Disaster Risk Assessment will be undertaken to identify all existing gaps. Based on that priorities and recommendations will be included into the national climate risk management strategies and programmes.
Also, a web-based software application and disaster risk maps will be developed. In parallel, a series of actions will be taken at local level to reduce vulnerabilities and strengthen the capacities of municipalities in the country to better manage disaster and climate risks.Disaster and climate risk management plans will be developed for a set of selected high risk municipalities.
Small scale demonstration projects and pilot measures will be carried out to show the advantages of having better prepared municipalities.
Also, a series of public awareness, advocacy and educational campains will be carried out country-wide.
Focus Area Energy and Environment
Implementing Period 2011-2013
Major Source of Funding National Crisis Management Center, municipalities, UNDP
Budget 230,000 USD
UNDP Programme Officer Anita Kodzoman
Partners on the Ground National Crisis Management Centre, municipalities, research and
academic institutions, and civil society
Location National level
Delivery 2010 N/A
Delivery 2011 70,000 USD
Project documents
Fact Sheet