Support to Fiscal Decentralization
Project description The main objective of the project is to assist the Government in re-defining the model for financing decentralizaed social services, towards a model that incorporates national and local disparities and differing capacities relative to the real expenditure needs.
Objectives The project aims to support the development of several fiscal scenarios, based on the analysis and estimated revenue gaps, addressing also the need for greater accountability and responsiveness to poverty and social inequalities.
Results A consolidated Feasibility Study was developed outlining a set of options and specific policy recommendations for the development of an intergovernmental transfer system in the country. Following the initial training needs assessment in the area of improvement of the fiscal capacities, training curriculum was developed and training delivered to equip key personnel with knowledge and skills for engaging in policy discussions and management of intergovernmental transfers.
Focus Area Good Governance
Implementing Period 2007-2012
Major Source of Funding UNDP
Budget $ 270,000
UNDP Programme Officer Mihaela Stojkoska
Partners on the Ground Ministry of Finance, Association of Local Self-Government Units, Municipalities
Location National level
Delivery 2010 4,000 USD
Delivery 2011 162,000 USD
Project documents
Fact Sheet