Support to Fiscal Decentralization

Project description
The main objective of the project is to assist the Government in re-defining the model for financing decentralizaed social services, towards a model that incorporates national and local disparities and differing capacities relative to the real expenditure needs.

The project aims to support the development of several fiscal scenarios, based on the analysis and estimated revenue gaps, addressing also the need for greater accountability and responsiveness to poverty and social inequalities.

A consolidated Feasibility Study was developed outlining a set of options and specific policy recommendations for the development of an intergovernmental transfer system in the country.

Following the initial training needs assessment in the area of improvement of the fiscal capacities, training curriculum was developed and training delivered to equip key personnel with knowledge and skills for engaging in policy discussions and management of intergovernmental transfers.

Focus Area
Good Governance

Implementing Period

Major Source of Funding

$ 270,000

UNDP Programme Officer
Mihaela Stojkoska

Partners on the Ground
Ministry of Finance, Association of Local Self-Government Units, Municipalities

National level

Delivery 2010
4,000 USD

Delivery 2011
162,000 USD

Project documents
Equitable Service Delivery Prodoc

Fact Sheet

There are no tenders to display.

Praise for progress and calls for more local autonomy as the European Parliament's Rapporteur backs the latest Action Plan for Decentralisation
» 20.09.2012
The country’s progress in bringing government closer to the citizens through decentralization reforms was commended this September by the European Parliament’s Foreign Committee Rapporteur, MEP Richard Howitt.
Making Decentralization Work for Everyone – A National Forum on Fiscal Reforms
» 06.06.2012
Organized by the Ministry of Finance and UNDP, the National Forum on Fiscal Decentralization brought together over a hundred representatives from central and local government with experts from the international community to exchange ideas on the next steps to be taken in the country’s programme of fiscal decentralization.
Youth for Good Governance
» 15.05.2012
Giving young people a place in decision-making processes builds a broader base of citizen involvement and creates stronger, more inclusive communities. This is why UNDP and the National Agency for Youth and Sports joined forces to start a new project aiming at empowering youth to participate in local governance processes.
Good International Practices in Financing Local Services
» 13.03.2012
The Ministry of Finance and UNDP jointly organized a training in Good international practices in financing local services and municipal budgeting. The training was carried out by renowned international experts from the Georgia State University (USA).
Decentralization and local governance in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: An update
» 02.08.2011
Local governments in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia have made important contributions towards building a stable, democratic, multi-ethnic state that brings government closer to its citizens.